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#1557 (4) - Posted by 1LT Janis Deiverion
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
What is a tie fighter, no matter.
What is matter, certainly not your tie fighter.

#1556 (20) - Posted by BGN Topachea Nabbirie
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`T> meow
<`Kaz> look a pussy
<`T> and the only one you've seen in a year or two
<`T> sup kaz:P
<`Kaz> Touche good sir
<`T> Thank you
<`T> You have taught me well over the last 7 years
<`Kaz> I do try

#1555 (20) - Posted by LJG Jace Horn
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
If you can't beat em......
Get someone who can!!!!!!!!!!

#1552 (18) - Posted by COL Luren "DaLe" Ketan
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[23:13] Karredo: When are you returning to civilization, Heavy?
[23:15] RS_HeavyD: if by civilization, you really mean online everyday, that'll be september
[23:17] Karredo: Is there another kind of civilization?
[23:17] RS_HeavyD: the civilization where a person actually lives without internet
[23:18] RS_HeavyD: 24/7
[23:18] Karredo: That's like...barbaric...
[23:18] Karredo: And primitive...
[23:18] Karredo: People LIVE like that?
[23:18] RS_HeavyD: no, that's just living life outside of four walls
[23:19] Karredo: Blasphamy
[23:19] RS_HeavyD: if i really wanted to, i could forget about the internet all summer and not have a single worry, although you guys are too good of friends to just leave hanging without me

#1551 (28) - Posted by COM Kailen
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Sconn> Aunt Jemima's not my aunt, she's black.
<kailen> a bit yes
* kailen gasps
<kailen> I'm black
<TheShadow> Sconn, are you a little racist?
<LCable> Yes, his pimp hand is definitely racist.
<Sconn> ...nah dude, I'd love to express my love to a busty nubian princess. I'd express it all over her.
<`Kaz> 10 points to Sconn
<`Kaz> 0 to Cable
<kailen> lol
<`Kaz> You're going to need to really step up your game

#1547 (1) - Posted by FA Mike "MacMan" McEwen
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
Session Start: Wed Jul 29 22:33:41 1998
<MacMan_RS> I think we should award Stack and
Alliston the RS Medal of honorary membership.
<MacMan_RS> <Castor_EL> Absolutely!!!
<VA_Raptor> Speedy was also thinking that we should
offer them Honorary RS Membership
<MacMan_RS> What do ya think?
<VA_Raptor> Sounds good to me, do you want me to
announce it when they are done answering q's or
something like that?
<MacMan_RS> Um, I think I'll leave it up to RC.
<VA_Raptor> K, well just tell me when you need me,
if you need me
<MacMan_RS> Okay. Im talking it over with RC now.

#1546 (4) - Posted by FA Mike "MacMan" McEwen
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[22:41] <RSDefcon> <Kueller> Here's my question for
Stackpole: As an author, I'm sure you're always
looking to try new type of story, one that would
stick out amongst the now growing Star Wars genre.
What are your thoughts about creating a book or new
series that lets the bad guys win? Maybe a
continuation or expansion on the Steele Chronicals.
I can't speak for everyone here, but I'm getting
sick of the good guys always coming up on top.
[22:42] <Stackpole> Interesting idea. I'd have to be
invited to write such a tale first. It certainly
would fun to explore it. And I think, contracturally,
that's about as far as I can go with that.
[22:42] <Stackpole> NQ

#1545 (6) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
* Now talking on #RS_BAR_AND_GRILL
* Topic for #RS_BAR_AND_GRILL is: RS FC nominations close today at midnight.
* Topic for #RS_BAR_AND_GRILL set by Licah at Fri Jul 07 14:39:54 2006
[12:21:04 AM] * Licah has changed the topic to: RS FC nominations closed today at midnight.
[12:22:30 AM] * `Kaz has changed the topic to: RS FC nominations closed today up three and a quarter

#1544 (32) - Posted by FA Licah Fox
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Kaz> heh
<`Kaz> Ebay is so screwed
<`Kaz> Google's going to destroy them
<`Carl> I've never used Ebay. Amazon and New Egg have provided me everything I've ever needed :P
<`Kaz> Amazon and Newegg rock the proverbial casbah
<LCable> I don't really use Amazon, but Newegg is t3h shit.
<`Kaz> Amazon's just as good
<Licah> Amazon has breasts!
<`Kaz> Plus they ship with DHL
<`Kaz> So I dont have to deal with fucking UPS
<Licah> ..the breasts do?
<LCable> ship boobies via DHL!
<LCable> We'll call it Double DHL

#1543 (18) - Posted by FA Joshua Hawkins
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
[00:05] <`Kaz> This is why none of you will ever have my number
[00:05] <`Kaz> That and you fuckers would call me when Im trying to be drunk
[00:05] <LGN_Raven> fuck if I'd care if you were okay :P
[00:05] <`Kaz> The RS isnt the same without me
[00:05] <Licah> lol
[00:05] <Licah> I just got an image of kaz and sair chatting on the phone for hours every night
[00:05] <LGN_Raven> LOL
[00:06] <LGN_Raven> Kaz in bed with cotton swabs in his toes bitching about the stupid in the world to Sair? :P

#1542 (70) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Licah> Hey neat, I lasted longer than eight minutes
<Licah> ...don't any of you quote me on that later

#1541 (13) - Posted by 2LT Elthen Dotrea
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
(01:49:47) RS_Gizmo: I have a terrible image of Sair with his hat on, brandishing a cattle prod, learing at a female Kaz
(01:50:09) `Kaz: I thought we determined female Kaz is a hot asian
(01:50:40) RS_Gizmo: well, it's more an image of male kaz with a wig, dress and badly applied lipstick

#1537 (17) - Posted by GEN Markus Jarnhann
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<LCable> Oh...and you went after Spyder to prove your heterosexuality? Meh, that's like proving you're a pacifist by killing someone in self defense.

#1535 (1) - Posted by BGN Tasch Pencron
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Spazzzz> good Ronin quote
<Morg> haha
<Brukhar> hahah Ronin's gay
<Brukhar> how classic :P
<Morg> thats not the point
<Morg> he must be really really hardcore bent, like his club
<Morg> :P

#1534 (4) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Kaz> Who gives a fuck how bad it is
<`Kaz> Samuel L Jackson is going to say motherfucker on a plane full of snakes

#1529 (5) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Deltan> My penis will not shrink because another design is made the default

#1528 (21) - Posted by COL Renan Darillia
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<MGN_Raven> Nazi GM: Graxe, somehow, has been given a COMM by an important person that doesn't know him.
<MGN_Raven> Nazi GM: You all listen to graxe, and walk outside.
<MGN_Raven> Nazi GM: You go on a mission.
<MGN_Raven> Nazi GM: Graxe fights a Dark Jedi Master that has 3D+1 Lightsaber.
<MGN_Raven> Nazi GM: Graxe Wins and finds a saber that does 500D10+800 DMG, a Cortosis ass, and a gem.
<MGN_Raven> Nazi GM: Yay for graxe.
<MGN_Raven> Nazi GM: Sim end

#1527 (9) - Posted by COM Wes Belden
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<LCable> I just wanna be able to get in on the action and start throwing poop like a monkey with diarrhea,.

#1526 (44) - Posted by MGN Mystic Warrior
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
RS_Gizmo damnit
RS_Gizmo why can't job requirements for stuff I want to do read, "Wanted: Inexperienced idiot"
RS_Gizmo it would make things sooo much easier
RS_Gizmo although knowing my luck I'd be told I was overqualified

#1524 (9) - Posted by BGN Stalker
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
Jay`C: Idea!
Jay`C: Stalks, you should make someone be moral officer of gold
Jay`C: I did that in WC once..was pretty fun
Jay`C: I just nagged people and did stupid shit
Stalksaway: guess what
Jay`C: um..what?
Stalksaway: you just appointed yourself moral officer
CPT_Eric: I'll be moral officer!!!
CPT_Eric: awwwww
Stalksaway: :-)
Jay`C: ah fuck

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