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#284 (3) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
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* Death_Jes scratches his balls
<Death_Jes> hey it works

#283 (1) - Posted by RA Sentry
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* Apoclypse hey BGN_Raz Yo momma so ugly instead of putting the bungee cord around her ankle, they put it around her neck. *** W ( Sets mode +o BGN_Raz on #rs_bar_and_grill 11/24/2000 20:14:53 * TR_Hawk sees Apoc running outside

#281 (0) - Posted by COL Tech Krill
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* Raada shakes her head. I like to do anything. Except strip clubs. Those aren't much fun.
* MAJ_Krill makes a face, "Seeing but not having just isn't nice...unless you're one of them..." waves back at the B&G
* Glytch_ waves back

#276 (3) - Posted by COL Los Bennett
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*** RaanduXvT is now known as Raandu <IllLos> Raandu got shot down quickly <Raandu> Not really
<`Entropy> Happens often with Raandu. In XvT and women.

#270 (0) - Posted by VA Trace
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** SeX is now known as Trace
<Sently> Can't wait to get some Trace tonite...
* CptVender wouldn't be surprised if Erin and Mike had trace. :P
* Sently would watch

#269 (-1) - Posted by VA Trace
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<`Davery> Get a life :P <`Stimpy> :P * `Davery shrugs <`Davery> beats me

#267 (-1) - Posted by COL Los Bennett
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* Keets turns into a gerbil and scuttles around * Los turns into another gerbil <`Dylor> And we all know what gerbils do. <SentMosh> And dogs. <Los> poop all over the place? <Keets> yay, let's have hot gerbil sex <SentMosh> And... any other sort of mammal.. <Los> hot gerbil sex! * Los has hot gerbil sex with Keets * Keets squeeks and cums <`Dylor> Good god.. * Keets promises he'll call in the morning * Los smokes a tiny ciggarette * Keets runs away

#266 (1) - Posted by COL Los Bennett
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* Keets takes her garter off and offers it to sent

#265 (-2) - Posted by VA Trace
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<VATrace> [Daed-Dead PING reply]: 0secs, [Ian-ZzZzZ PING reply]: 1sec, [Shil PING reply]: 2secs, [`Dylor PING reply]: 3secs, [R2_D5 PING reply]: 4secs, [`RichSLP PING reply]: 5secs <-- Wow, 0,1,2,3,4,5

#262 (2) - Posted by VA Trace
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Trace-> Ive been sucking for over a year now

#261 (2) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<`Mikey> "Willy's Necrophiliacs, you off em we boff em"
<`Mikey> "County Morgue, you kill em we chill em"
<Ambious> "Peer connection resetting, you talk we mock"
<Tomare> "Ed's bait and grill. You hook it, we cook it."
<`Mikey> "Insane Asylum, you're crazy we're lazy so let's all take a nap"
<`Mikey> "Janitors Unlimited, you drop it we mop it"
<Ambious> "Benny's Street cleaners: Your dogs poop it, we scoops it."
<`Mikey> "Dust collectors, you sweep it we keep it"
<`Mikey> "Leaf lovers, you rake it we take it"
<`Mikey> "Sympathetic gigolos, he threw you we do you"
<`Mikey> or "Sympathetic gigolos, He dump ya we pump ya"

#259 () - Posted by VA Trace
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<CptRandor> <Trace--> boring w/o cheats <-- just like any sexual relationship

#252 (-3) - Posted by COL Elad 'Ambious' Avron
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<`Mikey> Can i have a project titled TauHC?
<Indy> And what would HC represent, Mike?
<`Mikey> cause if you just make them all the regular ol letters....THC.....
<`Mikey> the most fun ingredient in cannabis :)
* `Mikey jumps around like an excited schoolgirl
<Indy> Down boy.
<Glytch_> That would explain some of the HC members. :)

#250 (2) - Posted by VA Trace
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<Trace-> who unbanned *!*@*.fi? * CptRandor looks accusingly at X. * Trace- flips X off <Trace-> bitch

#248 (4) - Posted by MGN Sea Messi
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<Cpt-Randy> Vender with a zippo... I'm scared <Ater> The man's excited over a lighter...imagine when he gets a car.

#247 (3) - Posted by FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
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* RS_Shik dances like Shizmo, cute and furry like.
* SVBerkana looks at Shik
<RS_Davery> We hire Shik out to do belly dances for foreign dignitaries, if you\'re interested
<RS_Shik> :D
<SVBerkana> Well its Ramaj\'s bachelor\'s party tomorrow night
<SVBerkana> and ehm...
<SVBerkana> Well why not Shik :)

#245 (3) - Posted by BGN Rave Craise
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<SnakeFace> Hello good citizen name is could be my assistant....would you like that??? Would you like to ride with Batman?
* RyanDeean would like that

#244 (3) - Posted by VA Trace
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* Davil toddles in and climbs up into Kaz's lap <Kaz> AHHH <Kaz> GET IT AWAY * Kaz calls up a squad of commandos to remove the child <Davil> UNCY KAZ A MEANIE!

#243 (5) - Posted by BGN Inys Fey`Lar
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<Wolverin> help me.. i can't stop eating nuts
<Rahj> What's your address again?

#241 (7) - Posted by FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Rate Quote:  Good  -  Poor
<Ater> AHHH!!! they changed the site around again!
<Trace-> yeah, so?
<Ater> It bothers me that shik has that much free time.

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