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#1571 (26) - Posted by FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
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<CodyPup> great, randy's back to adding completely obscure randomness to the wiki
<`Davery> lol I noticed that too
<`Davery> He has no RS positions and he's not even in the club yet he randomly returns to make wiki entries
<`Davery> on like... space trade routes
<CodyPup> oh, THAT Nitram Lutha Hyperboulevard;
<`Josh> hey it keeps him busy and out of our hair, let him be
<CodyPup> The Nitram Lutha Hyperboulevard is named after the infamous Defel anarchist and peace activist, Nitram Lutha
<CodyPup> lol
<CodyPup> you can't really be an anarchist and a peace activist
<Shikkie> anarchy would permit peace or violence due to lack of order
<CodyPup> it would permit anything
<CodyPup> there'd be dogs with birthday hat cones on their heads covered in peanut butter running around killing cats riding atop walruses
<CodyPup> that aint peace
<`Josh> That would be cool to see though

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