Rebel Squadrons
Individual Member Breakdown


Beginning date: 2014-10-01 - Ending Date:2014-10-31 23:59:59


Reporting for Resurrection Squadron

Single Player Breakdown

Official Tour Missions

Mission Rank Score Kills Approved
XWA 414: Escorting the Freighters (IBG 305) 1 7663 31 Yes
XvT 327: Convoy Intercept (RgF 304) 1 33240 32 Yes
RS XW2 Op 3 - Respond to S.O.S. 1 41611 31 Yes
TIE 106 (GDF 106) 1 49220 40 Yes
Total: 4

Historical Reports

Mission Rank Score Kills
VSG 302b: Personnel Rescue (RgF 102) 1 55870 31
VSG 303b: Meet Alien Contact (RgF 103) 1 24938 22
VSG 304b: Rescue Resistance Prisoners (RgF 104) 1 334040 28
VSG 305b: Sneak Attack (RgF 105) 1 78200 48
VSG 306b: New Base of Operations (RgF 106) 1 64160 43
RS 307b: A Boring Patrol (RgF 107) 1 113324 82
RS 308b: Convoy Strike (RgF 108) 1 55495 21
PBF 506: Valor's Waypoint 14 43560 40
PBF 508: Ambuscade 1 65025 50
PBF 509: Torpedoes Away! 9 57688 52
PBF 510: Rendevous 5 66009 54
PBF 511: Capture of Factory! 9 50438 36
PBF 512: Leaving the Expanse 6 51688 41
PBF 601: Recon 6 52951 36
PBF 602: Quick Strike 11 61545 41
PBF 603: Asteroid Sabacc 14 39528 38
PBF 604: Stranded 9 48009 34
PBF 605: Recon Supply Depot 4 32719 43
PBF 606: Tibanna Nab 4 38647 34
PBF 607 1 55215 63
PBF 608 13 34486 30
Total: 21
Points: 21

Other Activities subject to Diminishing Returns

Date Awarded: 2014-10-02 09:51:16
Awarded by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Reason: 9/29 trivia

Date Awarded: 2014-10-09 10:09:54
Awarded by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Reason: 10/6 trivia

Date Awarded: 2014-10-19 23:06:03
Awarded by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Reason: 10/13 trivia

Date Awarded: 2014-10-27 08:56:46
Awarded by: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Reason: 10/20 trivia

Points awarded for other activities: 13.0

Activity Breakdown

Simming Sessions

GM? Total hours/minutes Points Sim Name/Sim Reason
Total points (before DR):0
Total Time played:0:0

Misc. Duration Sessions

Total hours/minutes Points Reason
Total points (before DR):

RSPA:TOR reports


TOR Duration Matches

Total Matches:
Total Time: 0:00

Non-competitive Reports

Standard Matches


Long Duration Matches

Total Matches:
Total Time: 0:00