Rebel Squadrons

RS X-Wing Miniatures ITOD 2 - Operation Urgent Light

By FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Jul 02, 2014
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Cody Qel-Droma turned away from the tirade of a message he’d left Commodore Lamin Zykara, current Fleet Commander of the Rebel Squadrons. Qel-Droma and his men had done everything possible to assure the safety of Lambda Shuttle LCS-937, but the shuttle was now space wreckage, self-destructed after the “Howling Akk Dogs” arc-welded their way onto her and threatened to steal back their precious cargo, cargo that was going to give the RS a better lead on these increased pirate incursions. Now his shuttle was space dust, along with a few members of Zealot Special Operations Unit and the RS was none the wiser on what was going on.

Qel-Droma threw his feet up on his desk, unscrewed the top off a bottle of whiskey and poured himself three finger’s worth, swallowing about two with his first sip. “What the hell else can go wrong around here?”
Three Firesprays dropped out of hyperspace intact, in formation, and exactly as planned. Before them lay eight cargo containers and nothing on patrol to counter their attack. This would be a crapshoot.

“These rebels’re lazy as hell, man. We woulda been interdicted halfway tah payday if the Imps was still run’n the show.” Scar One cycled through his very target rich environment. “What should we blow up first?”

“How ‘bout we attack what’s right in front of our face? No need to be strategic about it.” Their formation was so tight that Scar One could see Scar Two pointing through his Firespray’s canopy at the two containers in front of them. “Be careful with those mines, man, I just had this thing detailed yesterday and I don’t need your amateur ass bust’n up my paintjob. “

Scar Three pushed ahead of them both, ignoring their banter and lighting up the first cargo container with her auto-blasters.

“Well don’t let her have all the fun, let’s do this.”

With that, the three Firesprays throttled into the Rebel Squadron’s cargo container field, guns blazing while the caught-off-guard RS forces scrambled to get something in the air to counter yet another pirate incursion, this time from the Bleeding Scars.

What else could go wrong around here, indeed….


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