Rebel Squadrons

New Activity Period is Here!

By ADM Kirghy Lommax
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Aug 02, 2011
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Good Afternoon, RSers!

As you've probably noticed from the title, the new activity period is now underway and will run until August 31st. Starting from, well, yesterday August 1st and going through August 7th, MP activities and misc. SP activity (such as historical missions and assorted fiction submissions) will be counted towards this month's totals.

We are planning to have the mission releases and official activities from the OO on Monday, August 8th. At that time, all mission reports AND narratives will be due on August 31st. Yes, you read that correctly. Missions and narratives will be due on the same day.

The results for July will be out either today or tomorrow.

Yours in H.I.E.R.,

GEN Kirghy Lommax


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