Rebel Squadrons

New NJO-era storyline opening up - open to all

By ADM Indiana Bridger
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Jun 27, 2006
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Aurora Force: Kids was originally a subdivision of AF based 19 years after the Battle of Yavin — that is, the storyline started around the time of the Hand of Thrawn duology. It bounced around and didn’t make a whole lot of sense, and eventually became the Alec, Trosa, and Ben show as I recall (perhaps incorrectly), because the rest of us got mightily distracted by other things.

AF-Kids does have its own Topica list, and in the future I will be using it for future AF-Kids posts, beyond those that make good foreshadowing, which may be cross-posted to the main AF list.

A discussion took place a while back about restarting the storyline. I’ve finally made the decision to do so, and will begin that with the post that is to follow. The setting will be about 24 years after Yavin (or about 15 years later than current storyline), and there will be quite a few options open to people regarding what or whom they wish to play. You could play your current character, older, wiser (and if you do, conveniently protected by the plot gods). You could play younger relations (ie, children) of your character, or you could try on someone completely new. The storyline will begin several months before the first incursions by the Vong and the issues that follow (I do have plans for Aurora Force in this era — be very afraid). You will not be limited to a main character in AF-Kids, nor will you limited in the number of characters you play (myself, I will have quite a few).

If you have any questions, feel free to poke me.

Originally, you were expected to be part of AF proper (that is, the main storyline currently set 9.75 years after Yavin, or 5.75 years after Endor, just after the Thrawn trilogy by Zahn) in order to participate in the storyline. This is no longer a requirement. If there is a lot of interest, I will be making a roster for the AF-Kids storyline just so I have an organizational framework and know who's in it.


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