Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: Mission Reviews

ITOD Home > RS Tour 4 (BoP): Return to Subterrel > XvT 402: Shakedown

Avg. Rating: 9.0


FA Licah Fox on 27 July 2012
Rating: 9
I like this mission a lot. It's well-balanced and challenging, and should go in every XvT MPers' mission.lst, ready to be used at a moment's notice. I'm imagining a system now where the numbers are standardized and anyone can download a large .zip of RS co-op missions, ready to fly with others using the system. New installations could get set up for MP really quickly that way. But I digress.

I like the variety of ships and flying styles available to you in this mission. It adds replay value. The main danger to the pilot is having an entire flight (3 Zs, 4 Ts, etc.) really hammer you if it gets a lock on you. This is the main cause of going kaboom. With real-life wingmen you can soften this a bit, provided you are able to dodge effectively.

Admittedly, flying solo nets you the highest scores, though I can also see a "wingman" option working: one person nets the kills, the other one leads everyone on a merry chase for easy pickings. That would take a ton of time, though. After what seemed like a dozen deaths, I finally got a good run, following this order: CARGs, Zs, Rs, TRNs, Ts, FRTs, ESC, LAS BAT. I think 100k is certainly achievable, but my run was over an hour and I won't be trying again any time soon.

Great mission overall. I knocked a point in total for
a) the transports' ineptitude at the end (failure to disable freighters without help, and one doesn't realize he should head home after capturing the freighter)
b) more importantly, the three cap ships could easily have taken out that ESC and LAS BAT, especially at the end, but they hang out instead. Maybe a "Going to engage!" moment happens after our ships are firmly convinced all of the attacking bombers are gone. I see that Pitfall should be a base, and maybe therefore doesn't move, but it's surprising none of our ships moves to attack an inferior force, whether at the beginning or end.

I really hope missions like this keep coming out, as they're super fun and I love playing high-quality new missions. Thanks to the builders.

1LT Jarik Nyine on 25 July 2012
Rating: 9
I enjoyed this mission a lot piloting an A-Wing, but I tested it also with a B-Wing and I could not find a missile cargo to reload... is this intended or I missed it? Anyway, great mission!