Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: Mission Reviews

ITOD Home > RID Tour 3 (Retro Tour) > EaW 309: Ord Vaxal

Avg. Rating: 5.5


MGN Kimiao Quinal on 20 May 2012
Rating: 5
I designed the mission, noticed a few bugs too. I'll have to work harder on the next one.

RA Kyle Tobarn on 18 May 2012
Rating: 6
Kudos for being able to make working EAW maps and ground missions are even tougher. A few bugs; allied units in southeast are stuck on the terrain and can't move, there are two stormtrooper squads on the southwest that didn't move or retaliate to attack, and health bars were glitchy and didn't stay with their units. The map was a little rough around the center with the water, I don't think watery terrain works really well.