Rebel Squadrons
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ITOD Home > RS Tour 3 (XWA Retro Tour) > RS 312: Seek and Destroy SSD Imperator (IBG 112)

Avg. Rating: 9.0


BGN Hermus Dogan on 8 March 2012
Rating: 9
A highly entertaining and challenging mission. Plenty of targets to keep you busy, both small and large. Once the TIEs are wiped out it's almost embarrassingly easy.

The ships holding back to defend the Interdictor were a nice touch, but seemed pointless once the enemy fighters were gone. I'm not sure anything even attacked it.

I disliked how the RS capital ships essentially ignored all Imperial ships but the SSD once it was within firing range. Ignoring an ISD II hammering your shields a kilometer away is unwise, to say the least.

LCM InterlinkKnight on 15 February 2012
Rating: 9
Awesome mission. As always, a few bugs but nothing big. Taking the shield generators is hard. But overall I like it. Many ships and fighters.

Now the things I don’t like
- First there are too many fighters sending missiles to you all the time after sometimes in the mission when Defenders and TIE/A came out, and you don’t even get chaft or flare by default. That part is annoying. If in a mission are fighters with missiles, add chaft or flare to your fighters. If not, is not fun and you will get kill. I mean, they are too many after you.
- One thing that I notes is that the friendly ships don’t shot any of the enemy fighters. Actually I think none of the many friendly ships shot no even 1 laser shot to any enemy fighter. Not even the ships that are far not doing anything.

One funny remark is that I saw one TIE/B going very far moving like crazy as he go nowhere. Like when darth vader go away in the fighter in the first movie before the death star blow up. I don’t know if this was on propose or a mistake or just was in my game but was funny.

1LT Ace Antilles on 14 February 2012
Rating: 9
Enjoyed the mission. Wish the ending was abit better.