Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: Mission Reviews

ITOD Home > RS Tour 3 (XvT Retro Tour) > RS 310b: Fuel 'R Us (RgF 110)

Avg. Rating: 7.0


LCM InterlinkKnight on 3 February 2012
Rating: 6
Start great, but later it turns boring because your wingmans get kill quickly (with just 1 wave) and you are alone against several fighters, so you have to go far to recharge and attack many times. This is also when you complete the mission and want to kill the "extra" fighters.

Another boring part is to damage the platforms. Is just 1 A-Wing against two platforms that most be damage to 75% on the hull. This is kind of easy but takes too much time.

Overall, I don't regret playing it but is the kind of mission that you don't want to play two times, ever.

BGN Hermus Dogan on 28 January 2012
Rating: 8
I like flying these old missions. This particular example is fairly challenging on Hard, what with all the hostiles and the nature of some of the targets. Nice touch at mission start with the fleet, though. Don't see that too often in XvT.