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ITOD Home > RS Tour 3 (XWA Retro Tour) > RS 310a: Destroy System Defenses (IBG 110)

Avg. Rating: 5.8


FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran on 10 December 2011
Rating: 1
No mission should start by giving you a negative score no matter what strategy you use. These comments were shared in 2002 as well. :P

BGN Hermus Dogan on 8 December 2011
Rating: 8
Definitely a challenging mission. Took me a lot of attempts to finally finish the fight on medium, victory or not. Quite the workout for your survival skills!

The downside is that the initial platform always has 4 or more fighters slamming into it as they emerge from hyperspace, be they X- or B-Wings. Then, once the first area is nearing completion, the X-Wings abruptly break off and cruise towards the jump buoy, providing incredibly easy pickings for the TIEs chasing them.

MGN Kimiao Quinal on 27 November 2011
Rating: 8
Tough mission. Tried it again. Can't stop my cruiser from getting raped by the golan III

BGN Ray Djo on 18 November 2011
Rating: 6

Im getting better at these... but im not there yet. Also, I dont know how my cruisers died in lightspeed.... weird....

LCM InterlinkKnight on 2 November 2011
Rating: 6
Kind of strange mission, if you want to win. First you need to destroy fighters, so is not a big deal, but in the second area you need to destroy the little station on the right so they don’t destroy our ship that is passing by. To destroy that station you need to fire the pointing thing on the bottom, so defenses don’t hit you. A very boring part, but is needed because if you try engaging bombers our ship on the right will get destroy anyway by the station (a secondary target).

The third area was the best because no needing to destroy any station quick to avoid ships to get destroy. You just need to kill bombers and fighters, which is really the job of an X-Wing with missiles. After that you need to destroy the station by doing the same thing by firing lasers in the pointing thing. Is that or the station will not get destroy by our useless bombers that don’t engage the station at all with rockets or anything. Actually I see the Y-Wings just flying going home, when there is an objective (the station) they should destroy. Only X-Wing help a little with lasers, but they don’t last long against the station defenses so is basically useless too. At least they (X-Wings) try, not like the Y-Wings going home.

Well, at least was different and the idea of the mission is very good.