Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: Mission Reviews

ITOD Home > PBF Tour 4 > PBF 408: Supply Line Cut

Avg. Rating: 7.0


BGN Hermus Dogan on 25 February 2012
Rating: 7
This mission was nothing special, really. There's no pressing need to destroy the targets as quickly as you can, at least once the corvettes are neutralized. The freighters may as well have been containers since they just sat and waited to die.

I suppose the limited abilities of the X-Wing engine can be blamed for this. No additional orders for different circumstances like in the later games, such as a "flee if shot" contingency. That would have spiced things up quite a bit as you frantically put down the freighters as they maneuvered for a jump into hyperspace.

No technical problems were seen in the mission, though. Yay!