Rebel Squadrons
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ITOD Home > Ghostly Happenings (Simming) > d6RPG - GH01

Last Updated: 2015-02-22 21:05:22



High Level Campaign Outline

Mission 1 - Briefing by Sentinel CO Cristoph Ralne, detailing RS intel’s efforts.
CO will explain that intel has made a major breakthrough and has found a pirate base that Imperial ships have been spotted at.
Goldstar, and ABG fleet will be dispatched to raid the base.
Player objective will be to sack the base, capture high-ranking pirates, kill (or capture) all others.
Secure the base for intelligence extraction before any response forces show up.

If the players analyze the computer system, they will find that it is encrypted. A DC 31 Slicing roll is required to break the encryption. A single failure, or the use of the incorrect skill (CP/R) will trigger a security mechanism that will corrupt the data.

If this branchpoint is NOT taken, RSI will be able to decrypt the data and the players will be able to skip Mission 2a. This is critical because if Mission 2a is skipped, and Mission 2b is successfully accomplished, the Titan fleet will be forced to adjust their invasion plans, and the Final Mission world will be one of significantly less military significance.

Note: Mission 1 is in the MIS 1 - ABG folder and is run in tandem with that ABG sim. Any potential for crossover should be taken.

Mission 1 - Briefing by Sentinel CO Cristoph Ralne, on the Goldstar’s ‘Situation Room’.

Fluff about the situation room will exhibit the ‘WE ARE IN AN OLD SHIP’ part of the gold star. Simple conference table with glowpanels in the ceiling and an older-model holographic projector (that flickers) in the center of the table.

“We’re on a compressed timeline, so I’ll cut the crap. RSI has found a pirate base on the border between the Greeop and Aurora sectors that has been apparently servicing Imperial strike craft. RSI believes there’s a link between a large Imperial fleet and these pirates, so they’ve asked us to sack the base, gather any information we can, and get the hell out before a response fleet shows up. The Goldstar is going to be leading the charge along with assistance from the Interdictor Raging Dragon. Lancer squadron will be in Y-wings to disable any ships in the area and help in dropping the station’s shields so you all can land. Your orders are to secure the ship’s main computer, and any cargo holds, and capture any high-ranking pirates and any Imperials you encounter. Anyone else can be eliminated at your discretion. Once the station is secure additional transports will dock to extract any goods and materials. Questions?”

Common questions:

Resistance - Expected to be light. Unarmored pirates with pistols, maybe a few stormtroopers with E-11s.

Recon of station - The station is a standard XQ6, nothing new there. An interior map will be provided to you on the transport

Clarification on ‘secure the computer’ - Ralne will just state it’s a data pull and assume the squadron isn’t stupid enough to do it on their own if they don’t know how.

Other teams - Will be hitting radically different objectives, you should be on your own, but if you need reinforcements; call for them.

Extraction - Same way you got in

WHERE IS THE BLOODY MEDIC? - Unfortunately our medical corps is stretched thin, and your Medic is going to be somewhat frequently detached from your unit. In that case there will be an attached civilian medical unit -- but they'll remain on your transport. Assuming you can get the injured back to the transport -- which I suspect you'll be able to do, they can take care of any injuries, and you should all be trained in simple field dressings.

Infiltrators already on board - No idea, RSI didn’t tell him shit, why would they?

Once the questions get inane, or none have been asked:

“Gear is up in ten. We'll be exiting hyperspace in a few minutes, and we don't expect the space battle to be anything special."

At the station:

Sentinel Company jumps in near the tail end of the fighting. The Goldstar and Raging Dragon will be close to the station, pounding down its shields with their cannons while the Lancer Y-wings can be seen circling a BFF-1 Bulk Freighter like birds of prey, pouring ion cannon fire into it.

Debris, if scanned, will show about 6 T/Lns destroyed, along with a single R-41 Starchaser.

Whoever is piloting (NPC or Eric) will be given instructions to dock near the station’s centerline, and once docked, the players will disembark.

Important - Imperial Reinforcement Timer

This is a 50 point scale, that simply triggers the Imperial Reinforcements when it hits 50. Hitting 50 without extraction is an automatic Mission Fail.

Enemies -

Standard Pirate - 3D All stats, 10 HP, no armor, DL-18 or DH-17 pistols. Misc. gear as per ‘Random Misc Loot’

Heavy Pirate - 5D Attack, 4D defense, 20 HP, no armor, E-11 or equivalent. Misc. gear as per ‘Random Misc Loot’

Stormtrooper - 4D Attack, 4D defense, 20 HP, ‘standard’ ST armor (2D/2D -1D dex), E-11 or equivalent. Misc. gear as per ‘Random Misc Loot’

Pirate Leader (BOSS 1) - Up to 6D attack/defense, 30 HP, 1D+1/1D+1 armor. E-11 or equivalent. Misc. gear as per ‘Minor Boss Random Misc Loot’

ATK-0837 (BOSS 2) - Up to 7D attack/defense, 30 HP, Storm Commando armor. T-21 or equivalent. Misc. gear as per ‘Minor Boss Random Misc Loot’.

The interior of the XQ6 is new, which should be a hint that there’s money behind these pirates, pristine interiors, etc. The hall they enter initially goes to either the left or right with rooms periodically on either side of the hall. This is Habitation Ring A.

Hab Ring A Encounter Table: There are 12 rooms, Each room explored adds ‘1’ to the Imperial Reinforcement Timer.

Each room has a bed, a terminal (local access only) with nothing of substance on them, pirate clothing, etc.


1-10 - THERE’S A PIRATE THAR - +1D Standard Pirate, gets a surprise round against the person opening the door.
11-50 - Nothing of note
51-75 - Additional loot per Random Misc. Loot Table
76-90 - Narcotics per Random Misc. Illicit Table - D
91-99 - Combination of 51-75 and 76-90, plus a random standard weapon.
100 - ETKC-0032 - Male pirate who does not attack when the door is opened. Explains that he’s an ‘agent of RSI’, and offers the team information if they just move on. The information will allow the characters to bypass the mini-boss encounter near the computer core, and provide them with data for the armory. If they attempt to COMM command about him, they’ll find their communications locally jammed. Any attempt to detain him will result in hilarity (for me). ETKC-0032’s sheet can be found in the ‘Major ETKC Character Sheet’ file. Teehee.

Going either way from Hab A will lead to another intersection where a hallway toward the center of the base will lead to a turbolift nexus, and going ‘straight’ will lead into Hab B.

Hab B is identical to A, with the exception that a ‘100’ on the random encounter table increases the loot tier on the random tables from 1 to 2.

Turbolift Nexus guarded by blast door. DC 17 security. Simple keypanel. Passcode is 654321

5 Attempts, then ALARM

At the turbolift nexus, there is the first premade encounter:

1x Heavy Pirate, 4x Pirate. - Init 10

Upon entering the turbolift, they will have options to go to the following: Hab Ring 2, Engineering, Bridge, Cargo Ring

Players should ignore the Bridge, and go to Engineering or the Cargo Ring.


If they (stupidly) go to the Bridge, the reinforcement timer is increased by 20, as they will be stuck there for quite some time. The lift is disabled, and they have to fight a series of encounters.

Leadup to the bridge:

BOSS 2, 3x Stormtroopers, 3x Heavy Pirates


BOSS 1 (unless engineering is gone to first), 6x Stormtroopers, 4x Heavy Pirates

Engineering -

+10 to reinforcement timer

TL leads directly into BOSS 1, plus his possee (below). The big threat is an E-WEB. This is a big problem for the characters and has to be taken out immediately. As such, the players AUTOMATICALLY get to go first.

Boss fight:

BOSS 1, 2x Stormtrooper, 4x normal pirate, E-WEB.

Computer (see overarching thing), Reactor, + Control computer

Cargo Bay -

+20 to Reinforcement Timer

TL Leads to a T Interesction that goes to one of the two cargo bays. Both cargo bays have 10x RANDOM LOOT TABLE D- CONTAINERs and 1 RANDOM LOOT TABLE C - CONTAINER

The containers have 10 HP (In the event someone fires a grenade or another explosive is set off in the room)

Both hangars are a DC 11 security roll. Code Right is 123456, Code left is 321654

There is a hangar which has RANDOM LOOT TABLE B - STARFIGHTERS x1 in it, as well as the BOSS 2 encounter if the team did not go to the bridge.

+10 to reinforcement timer for hangar

Both are defended by the following:

1x Imperial Officer (ST without armor, +1D to hit and defend, RIGHT only. Left has an additional ST)
2x ST
2x Heavy Pirate

Roll 2 D100s for each one on the encounter table above. May be ignored if it doesn’t seem necessary (Didn’t)

End notes:

ABG Sacks bridge
Talk about next mission
Anything else that came up mid-mission.