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ITOD Home > RS TIE Retro Tour > TIE 106 (GDF 106)

Last Updated: 2014-10-31 16:19:44

FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn settled into the musty simulator couch, strapping himself in. It had been over a decade since he'd logged any flight time in a TIE simulator and yet, firing up the antiquated equipment came back to him quickly and effortlessly as he paged through the simulation menus. "Huh. Muzor.", he muttered to himself as he chose a simulated mission.

Commander Muzor, as he was ranked back then, had been Sconn's first XO in Jade Squadron, shortly after Sconn had defected from the Empire and joined the Rebel Squadrons. They hadn't interacted much, but Sconn remembered Muzor as a skilled pilot with an understated, laconic sense of humor. "Why not?", he grunted, "Let's give this thing a shot."

Combat Sequence Initiating...

Sconn found himself at the head of a trio of TIE Fighters, designated Gold for the purposes of this exercise and deploying from the hangar of the VSD Peril. He snorted. "Even in simulations, the Peril looks like a wreck." He took the time to orient himself towards the mission parameters and the navigation benchmarks. Before long, he found himself thrust headlong into dogfights with T-Wing starfighters and R-41s. "Who flies T-Wings anymore...honestly?!", he grumbled as a few shots landed against his hull, knocking out portions of his HUD. Before too long, his simulated atoms were scattered into simulated space as the mission failure graphic displayed on his screen.

"...alright, better get back up on the ronto.", he said, grimacing as he'd realized how much his skills had atrophied without practice. Another two or three tries went by without much success and he found himself sneakily setting the difficulty down to easy, hoping none of his squadmates in Red Dragon Squadron would notice. Captain Wayne and LJG Tavon has more than doubled his best score this afternoon, and Sconn's ego, though massive, was also fragile, like a rancor egg.

Finally, after another try or two, on easy mode, Sconn had a mission completed score he was satisifed with, and happily went down to log his sim hours. Just for grins, he checked how long it had been since the last time he'd logged into the TIE Fighter simulator - 12 years, 2 months and a handful of days. My, how the time flies...