Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: XvT 314: Operation Morning Star 001 (Aedis 101)

  • This is the first mission of an interactive tour of duty that combines the efforts of the X-Wing Academy, TIE Fighter Academy, and Renegade Fleet. The procedures for flying and reporting on this mission are different than the RgF ITOD, so please continue reading. You are only allowed to fly this mission once. I repeat -- one time only. The purpose of this is to create a more realistic atmosphere and to better emphasize the "interactivity" of these missions. Therefore, it is expected that there will be a substantial number of failed missions. This is all part of the fun of participating in a story. In order to emphasize this, pilots will not be ranked by the score they achieve on these missions, nor by successes or failures. Your sole motivation for succeeding in a mission is your desire to complete the goals of the Fleet Tactical Command and to thwart the Empire at every opportunity.
ITOD Home > RS Tour 3 (XvT Retro Tour)

Due Date: 21 Apr 2013

Avg. Rating: 3.5 (2 Reviews)


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