Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: RS XA OP 3 - Neutralize Corvette Base

  • With the sudden departure of the ISD Illustrious the Alliance has been able to temporarily delay the commencement of Vice Admiral Boorda's new offensive. High Command believes we have only won a temporary reprieve and we should expect the Imperials back in greater force. In the mean time recon has reported the location of several newly established System Patrol Bases located in the Outer Rim. These strategicly located bases could be used as forward offensive bases for an Imperial campaign. Starfighter Command will be placed in charge of seeking out and destroying all System Patrol Bases. A-W Red will target a base located in the Kastalore system. The base consist of three CRVs, CONs and a small squadron of TIE Fighters. Destroy everything, nothing must escape!
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Due Date: 26 May 2013

Avg. Rating: 8.0 (1 Review)


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