Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: RS/PBF Minos 4: Guard Repairs

  • The RSSD Emancipator, flagship of the Rebel Squadrons Retribution Fleet was badly damaged while waiting to retrieve refugees from the planet Dar'Telis. It's repair crews have worked feverishly to restore it's shields but are far from finishing repairs to other crucial systems. The Freighter Rialto will arrive shortly to provide supplies, while the RSS Kenobi will provide assistance in the form of work crews and a fighter defense. These repairs must be completed before the Emancipator can safely get underway again. Y-W PBF will maintain a standard perimiter watch. X-Wings from Stealth Squadron are ready for launch from the RSS Kenobi should it be necessary. Good luck!
ITOD Home > PBF Tour 1

Due Date: 31 Aug 1998

Avg. Rating: 5.0 (1 Review)


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