Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: RS/PBF Minos 2: Escort Refugees

  • Our Reconnasiance data from Dar'Telis revealed that there were a number of survivors on the outskirts of the planetary devastation caused by the Emperor's Hammer. Although the Tyrannians have chosen to live in relative isolation for decades, this assault has brought them into the middle of the ongoing galactic war. In an effort to assist the survivors, several RS Transports and shuttles were sent to give medical aid and rescue survivors. Because the Emperor's Hammer is maintaining a strong presence in this system, these ships were sent in under the guise of Imperial Work Crews and were escorted by two T/As from the Retribution Fleet's Shadow Squadron. The ships, still escorted by our T/As are now attempting to reach Nav buoy DT-05 and hyperspace to safety. Imperial forces have caught on to the ruse however and are closing in fast. You and your wingman are being sent to aid in their escape. You must see these ships to safety!
ITOD Home > PBF Tour 1

Due Date: 30 Jun 1998


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