Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: RS/PBF Minos 1: Recon Dar'Telis

  • The Empire has made a cruel and unannounced attack on the neutral planet of Dar'Telis. A Sovereign Class Star Destroyer laid waste to several major cities on the planet's surface. No doubt they intend to take it over and enslave it's people, the Tyrannians. Hype to the area and survey the situation. ID all unidentified craft as they approach the nav buoys. Don't allow any to get away without IDing them all first. Only AFTER they have all been IDed may you attempt to take out the non-friendly craft. Avoid any Imperial motherships, just ID the craft attempting to jump out. Allow any Tyrannian craft to escape untouched. Tyrannian craft will have the prefix "TYR" in their ID lines. Good Luck!
ITOD Home > PBF Tour 1

Due Date: 31 May 1998

Avg. Rating: 9.0 (1 Review)


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